Taupou Tatau Exhibition - Sui faiga ae tumau fa'avae
This video was created as an example of the style of tattooing, done by the artists at Taupou Tatau, which is being played at an exhibition running at City Gallery Wellington, New Zealand. The exhibition is titled 'Sui faiga ae tumau fa'avae' (No matter what changes we make today, the traditions of our ancestors stay the same! Past to Present!). The exhibition runs from Aug 10 - Oct 7 2012 featuring Su'a Paul Suluape from Aug 27 - Sept 7 2012. Su'a Paul Suluape will be completing a Pe'a and Malu with the traditional Samoan 'Au (tattooing tools) contributing to the 'Past' section of the show, displaying where the origin of contemporary Samoan tatau patterns of today derived. TAUPOU TATAU tattooists, Tuigamala Andy Tauafiafi, Ismael Jaco 'J' Augustine Schmidt and Bryan 'Juse1' Visala, breaking new grounds tattooing out of an Art Gallery. They will be showing the 'Present' section, the progress of Samoan tatau from the traditional style to today's contemporary form. Taupou Tatau audio track playing is produced by DjSMV from H-Town, NZ! For more information email info@taupoutatau.com. Video created by Tala Suailua. © 2012. Taupou Tatau Ltd. All rights reserved.